The power of nature

So beautiful

I believe that nature can change your mood and mindset. I instantly feel happier when I’m outside, especially when the sun is out.

It’s actually scientifically proven that the sunlight will boost your mood and prevent depression. (You can read more about this here.)

The sun can give you so many benefits:

Vitamin D (+ give you strong bones).

Prevent different diseases and heal skin conditions.

But most importantly it makes you HAPPY! For me, it’s hard to be anything but happy with the sun warming my cheeks and arms.

I think everyone should try to meditate outside in the sun at least once, no matter if you’re into meditation or not. It’s much more peaceful than just sitting in your room. The sound of nature around you and the fresh air will help you focus. (At least it helps me).

I did it this morning and I feel great (even with my pollen allergy). There are a ton of different ways to enjoy the nature. You can go for a walk, have a picnic, or simply just sit.

What about you? How do you enjoy nature?

Let me know in the comments!

Sunflower kisses and well wishes,